Rabu, 09 Maret 2022

Part 135

If you are looking for Part 135 you are coming to the right place. is a Webnovel created by . This lightnovel is currently .

5071. Had you any desire to have him engaged elsewhere?-I would not have minded much if he had never gone to the beach at all; it is not a very good berth for a boy. In the previous year they asked me if I would allow him to go to the beach, and I said I would rather not, as I required his services myself; but this season they asked me for him again. Perhaps they would not have taken him against my will, but Mr Grierson might have thought I was rather obstinate if I refused again, and so I let him go. I did not like to refuse when Mr. Grierson asked me.

Lerwick, January 9, 1872, LAURENCE LESLIE, examined.

5072. You are a fisherman, and a tenant on Mr. Grierson's land at Hillwill?-I am only a fisherman, but I pay a little rent along with my father.

5073. Are you any relation of the witness Laurence Leslie who was previously examined?-No.

5074. You have heard the evidence of the previous witnesses from Quendale?-Yes.

5075. Is it generally correct?-I think it is.

5076. Is there anything you could add to it?-I don't think so.

5077. Although you are not a tenant, do you consider yourself bound to fish to Mr. Grierson?-Yes, I am bound to do so.

5078. You could be free from that obligation, however, by leaving the ground?-Yes.

5079. Do you run an account in your own name at Mr. Grierson's shop?-No. I get a little from the shop sometimes, but I buy what I want where I think most convenient.

5080. Do you get payment in money from Mr. Grierson?-Yes.

5081. Can you get all your payment in money from him if you like?-Yes.

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5082. Do you get that money in the course of the year, or at the end of the season?-Just when we settle once a year.

5083. You don't get advances in the course of the year?-No; I don't seek any before the end of the year.

5084. Then you have always cash in hand?-Yes.

5085. You are a little ahead of the world?-Yes.

5086. Have you any beach boys in your family?-No; but I was a beach boy myself about fifteen years ago.

5087. That was before there was any obligation on the Quendale people to fish for their landlord?-Yes.

5088. At that time how was the arrangement made with beach boys?-I wrought for five months, and I got 10s.

5089. Was that paid to you in goods or in money at the settlement?-I got it in money at the settlement.

5090. Was that the usual way of settling at that time?-Yes.

5091. Is it the usual way still that a beach boy gets payment of his wages in money?-I believe so.

5092. Does he not run an account at the store?-I don't know anything about that myself.

5093. Have you anything to add to what the other men have said?-My wife sent up a shawl to a sister of mine in Lerwick to have it sold, and she sold it to Laurenson & Co. I came up to Lerwick some time afterwards, in the course of the spring, to take down a boat, and I went to the shop to get payment of the shawl. I was not requiring cottons or drapery goods, but I was requiring a pair of trousers; and when I went to the shop, I was shown a piece of tweed which I fixed upon to take, but the merchant refused to give me the cloth for the shawl, because it was a money article, and I had to take soft goods and other things which were of no use to me.

5094. Would he not have given you the cloth in exchange for the shawl at a somewhat higher rate than he would have given it to you for cash?-He would not give it to me at all, and I had to take the cottons and stuff that were of very little use to me.

5095. Did you take these home?-No.

5096. Have you had any other dealings of that sort?-No.

Lerwick, January 9, 1872, JOHN BURGESS, examined.

5097. You are a fisherman, and a tenant under Mr. Grierson at Hillwill?-Yes.

5098. Have you heard the evidence that has been given by James Flawes and the other witnesses from Quendale, with regard to Mr.

Grierson's fishing business, and their dealings at his shop?-Yes.

5099. Is that evidence correct, so far as you know?-Yes,

5100. Have you anything to add to it?-Nothing.

5101. Do you know anything about the engagement of beach boys?-Yes.

5102. Are there some of them in your family?-Yes; I have had a son employed as a beach boy for two years. His wages for the first year were 30s., and for the second year, 35s.

5103. Was that wage fixed at the commencement of the year or at settlement time?-It was not fixed until settlement. I did not know what he was working for until then.

5104. Was he running an account at the time in the shop books?- A small one. It was very little he was requiring, and he got the balance in money.

5105. Was there any obligation on him to go as beach boy to Mr.


5106. Could you not have engaged him anywhere else?-No; I wanted to keep him at home beside myself, because I was requiring him, but Mr Jamieson told me he was requiring him at the beach, and I must just let him go; and therefore I preferred to put up with a little hardship to myself and my family, and allowed him to go to the beach.

5107. When did Mr. Jamieson tell you that?-When he came and asked me to allow my boy to go.

5108. Was that before the commencement of the first year which he served?-Yes.

5109. Did you make any objection when Mr. Jamieson asked you for him?-Yes, I objected a little. I said I would be glad to keep him at home; but Mr. Jamieson said I would better just let him go, and I did so, without any more hesitation.

5110. Do you know anything about the difference in the price of meal at Mr. Grierson's store, and at others?-No; I have had very little to do with the store.

5111. Do you not deal there?-I deal for a few small things, but very little.

5112. Do you buy most of your provisions and other things from other stores?-Yes, for the most part.

5113. Where do you get them?-From Mr. Henderson's.

5114. Are you quite at liberty to go there for them-Yes.

5115. Can you get advances of money from Mr. Grierson in the course of the year for the purpose of buying goods at Henderson's and other stores?-Yes. If I was asking for advances, I would get them; but I don't ask for any until settling time, and then I get the balance, whatever it is, freely.

5116. Have you an account against you at that time?-Yes.

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Part 255

If you are looking for Part 255 you are coming to the right place. is a Webnovel created by . This lightnovel is currently . 10,609. Do...